Task Update


hs task update [-h] ID FIELD VALUE

hs task update

[ARG [ARG ...]] [--cancel | --revert | --delete | --remove-tag KEY [KEY...]] [-w COND [COND ...]] [-t TAG [TAG...]] [--order-by FIELD [--desc] --limit NUM] [--failed | --succeeded | --completed | --remaining] [--no-confirm]


Update task metadata.

Include any number of FIELD=VALUE or tag KEY:VALUE positional arguments.

The -w/--where and -t/--with-tag operate just as in the search command.

Using --cancel sets schedule_time to now and exit_status to -1.

Using --revert reverts everything as if the task was new again.

Using --delete drops the row from the database entirely.

The legacy interface for updating a single task with the ID, FIELD, and VALUE as positional arguments remains valid.



Assignment pairs for update.



Cancel specified tasks.

Cancelling a task means it will no longer be scheduled. This is done by setting the schedule_time to now and the exit_status to -1. A task cannot be cancelled after it is sent to remote clients.


Revert specified tasks.

A reverted task retains its ID and submit info along with any tags. It will be as if it were new and never scheduled.


Delete specified tasks.

Deleting a task fully drops the record from the database. All task information will be lost and not recoverable.

--remove-tag TAG…

Strip the specified tag from task records.

-w, --where COND…

List of conditional statements to filter results (e.g., -w 'duration >= 600').

Operators include ==, !=, >=, <=, >, <, ~. The ~ operator applies a regular expression.

-t, --with-tag TAG

Filter on one or more tags. (e.g., -t special or -t file:a).

Leaving the value unspecified will return any task for which the key exists. Specifying a full key:value pair will match on both.

-s, --order-by FIELD [--desc]

Order results by field. Optionally, in descending order.

When used in an update command, a --limit is required. For example, to delete the most recently submitted task, --order-by submit_time --desc --limit 1.

-l, --limit NUM

Limit the number of results.

-F, --failed

Alias for -w 'exit_status != 0'.

-S, --succeeded

Alias for -w 'exit_status == 0'.

-C, --completed

Alias for -w 'exit_status != null'.

-R, --remaining

Alias for -w 'exit_status == null'.

-f, --no-confirm

Do not ask for confirmation.

The program first checks the number of affected tasks. The user must confirm the update interactively unless provided with --no-confirm.

Legacy Mode

In previous releases of the software the update command had the following signature. Executing the command with these three positional arguments is still valid.


Unique UUID.


Task field name (e.g., “args”).


New value.

Use key:value notation for tasks. Updating tag will add or update any pre-existing tag with that key.