

hs client [-h]

[-N NUM] [-t TEMPLATE] [-b SIZE] [-w SEC] [-H ADDR] [-p PORT] [-k KEY] [--capture | [-o PATH] [-e PATH]] [--no-confirm] [-d SEC] [-T SEC] [-W SEC] [-S SEC]


Launch client directly, run tasks in parallel.

The client connects to the server and pulls bundles of tasks off the shared queue. These tasks are run locally by some number of a parallel task executors.

The environment for tasks are the same as for the client. Standard output and error for tasks are forwarded to that of the client, unless --capture is used, in which these are directed to individual files for each task.


-N, --num-tasks NUM

Number of task executors (default: 1).

-t, --template CMD

Command-line template pattern (default: “{}”).

This is expanded by the client just before execution. With the default “{}” the input command-line will be run verbatim. Specifying a template pattern allows for simple input arguments (e.g., file paths) to be transformed into some common form; such as -t './ {} >outputs/{/-}.out'.

See section on templates.

-b, --bundlesize SIZE

Size of task bundle (default: 1).

Using larger bundles is a good idea for large distributed workflows; specifically, it is best to coordinate bundle size with the number of executors in use by each client.

See also --num-tasks and --bundlewait.

-w, --bundlewait SEC

Seconds to wait before flushing tasks (default: 5).

The client collector thread that accumulates finished task bundles to return to the server will push out a bundle after this period of time regardless of whether it has reached the preferred bundle size.

See also --bundlesize.

-H, --host ADDR

Hostname or IP address to connect with server (default: localhost).

-p, --port NUM

Port number to connect with server (default: 50001).

-k, --auth KEY

Cryptographic authentication key to connect with server (default: <not secure>).

The default KEY used by the server and client is not secure and only a place holder. It is expected that the user choose a secure KEY. The cluster automatically generates a secure one-time KEY.

-d, --delay-start SEC

Delay time in seconds before connecting to server (default: 0).

At larger scales it can be advantageous to uniformly delay the client launch sequence. Hundreds or thousands of clients connecting to the server all at once is a challenge. Even if the server could handle the load, your task throughput would be unbalanced, coming in waves.

Use --delay-start with a negative number to impose a uniform random delay up to the magnitude specified (e.g., --delay-start=-600 would delay the client up to ten minutes). This also has the effect of staggering the workload. If your tasks take on the order of 30 minutes and you have 1000 nodes, choose --delay-start=-1800.


Disable client confirmation of task bundle received.

To achieve even higher throughput at large scales, optionally disable confirmation payloads from clients. Consider using this option when also using --no-db.

-o, --output PATH

File path for task outputs (default: <stdout>).

-e, --errors PATH

File path for task errors (default: <stderr>).

-c, --capture

Capture individual task <stdout> and <stderr>.

By default, the stdout and stderr streams of all tasks are fused with that of the client thread, and in turn the cluster. If tasks are producing output that needs to be isolated, the tasks need to manage their own output, you can specify a redirect as part of a --template, or use --capture to capture these as .out and .err files.

These are stored local to the client under <prefix>/lib/task/<uuid>.[out,err]. Task outputs can be automatically retrieved via SFTP, see task usage.

Mutually exclusive with both --output and --errors.

--timeout SEC

Timeout in seconds for client. Automatically shutdown if no tasks received (default: never).

This feature allows for gracefully scaling down a cluster when task throughput subsides.

--task-timeout SEC

Task-level walltime limit (default: none).

Executors will send a progression of SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGKILL. If the process still persists the executor itself will shutdown.

-S, --signalwait SEC

Task-level signal escalation wait period in seconds (default: 10).

When tasks fail to halt following an initial SIGINT, the program waits this interval in seconds before escalating to the next level of interrupt.

See also --task-timeout.