Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2025 Geoffrey Lentner
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Database interface, models, and methods."""

# type annotations
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Final

# standard libs
import sys
import functools

# external libs
from import Application, exit_status
from cmdkit.cli import Interface
from cmdkit.config import ConfigurationError
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.orm import close_all_sessions
from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError

# internal libs
from hypershell.core.logging import Logger
from hypershell.core.config import config
from hypershell.core.exceptions import handle_exception, DatabaseUninitialized, get_shared_exception_mapping
from import engine, in_memory, schema
from import Entity, Task

# public interface
__all__ = ['InitDBApp', 'initdb', 'truncatedb', 'checkdb', 'ensuredb', 'DATABASE_ENABLED', ]

# initialize logger
log = Logger.with_name(__name__)

DATABASE_ENABLED: Final[bool] = not in_memory
"""Set if database has been configured."""

[docs] def initdb() -> None: """Initialize database tables.""" Entity.metadata.create_all(engine)
[docs] def truncatedb() -> None: """Truncate database tables.""" # NOTE: We still might hang here if other sessions exist outside this app instance close_all_sessions() log.trace('Dropping all tables') Entity.metadata.drop_all(engine) log.trace('Creating all tables') Entity.metadata.create_all(engine) log.warning(f'Truncated database')
[docs] def checkdb() -> None: """Ensure database connection and tables exist.""" if not inspect(engine).has_table('task', schema=schema): raise DatabaseUninitialized('Use \'initdb\' to initialize the database')
[docs] def ensuredb(auto_init: bool = False) -> None: """ Ensure database configuration before applying any operations. If SQLite and `auto_init` we run :meth:`initdb`, else :meth:`checkdb`. """ db = config.database.get('file', None) or config.database.get('database', None) if config.database.provider == 'sqlite' and db in ('', ':memory:', None): raise ConfigurationError('Missing database configuration') if config.database.provider == 'sqlite' or auto_init is True: initdb() else: checkdb()
INITDB_PROGRAM = 'hs initdb' INITDB_USAGE = f"""\ Usage: {INITDB_PROGRAM} [-h] [--truncate [--yes]] Initialize database (not needed for SQLite). Use --truncate to zero out the task metadata.\ """ INITDB_HELP = f"""\ {INITDB_USAGE} Options: -t, --truncate Truncate database (task metadata will be lost). -y, --yes Auto-confirm truncation (default will prompt). -h, --help Show this message and exit.\ """ class InitDBApp(Application): """Initialize database (not needed for SQLite).""" interface = Interface(INITDB_PROGRAM, INITDB_USAGE, INITDB_HELP) ALLOW_NOARGS = True truncate: bool = False interface.add_argument('-t', '--truncate', action='store_true') auto_confirm: bool = False interface.add_argument('-y', '--yes', action='store_true', dest='auto_confirm') exceptions = { OperationalError: functools.partial(handle_exception, logger=log, status=exit_status.runtime_error), **get_shared_exception_mapping(__name__), } def run(self: InitDBApp) -> None: """Business logic for `initdb`.""" if not DATABASE_ENABLED: raise ConfigurationError('No database configured') elif not self.truncate: initdb() elif self.auto_confirm: truncatedb() elif not sys.stdout.isatty(): raise RuntimeError('Non-interactive prompt cannot confirm --truncate (see --yes).') else: if config.database.provider == 'sqlite': site = config.database.file else: site = config.database.get('host', 'localhost') print(f'Connected to: {config.database.provider} ({site})') response = input(f'Truncate database ({Task.count()} tasks)? [Y]es/no: ').strip() if response.lower() in ['', 'y', 'yes']: truncatedb() elif response.lower() in ['n', 'no']: print('Stopping') else: raise RuntimeError(f'Stopping (invalid response: "{response}")')