Source code for hypershell.cluster.remote

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2025 Geoffrey Lentner
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Remote cluster implementation."""

# type annotations
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, IO, Iterable, Callable, Type, Final

# standard libs
import os
import sys
import time
import shlex
import secrets
from enum import Enum
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import cached_property
from subprocess import Popen

# internal libs
from hypershell.core.fsm import State, StateMachine
from hypershell.core.config import default, load_task_env
from hypershell.core.thread import Thread
from hypershell.core.logging import Logger, HOSTNAME
from hypershell.core.template import DEFAULT_TEMPLATE
from import Task, Client
from hypershell.client import DEFAULT_DELAY, DEFAULT_SIGNALWAIT
from hypershell.submit import DEFAULT_BUNDLEWAIT
from hypershell.server import ServerThread, DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_BUNDLESIZE, DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS

# public interface
__all__ = ['run_cluster', 'RemoteCluster', 'AutoScalingCluster',

# initialize logger
log = Logger.with_name('hypershell.cluster')

# NOTE: retain old name for remote executable (for now)
DEFAULT_REMOTE_EXE: Final[str] = 'hyper-shell'
"""Default remote executable name."""

DEFAULT_LAUNCHER: Final[str] = 'mpirun'
"""Default launcher program."""

[docs] def run_cluster(autoscaling: bool = False, **options) -> None: """ Run cluster with remote clients until completion. All function arguments are forwarded directly into either the :class:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.RemoteCluster` or :class:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.AutoScalingCluster` thread. If `autoscaling` is enabled then we use the :class:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.AutoScalingCluster` instead of the :class:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.RemoteCluster`. Example: >>> from hypershell.cluster import run_cluster >>> run_cluster( ... restart_mode=True, launcher='srun', max_retries=2, eager=True, ... client_timeout=600, task_timeout=300, capture=True ... ) See Also: - :class:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.RemoteCluster` - :class:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.AutoScalingCluster` """ if autoscaling: thread =**options) else: thread =**options) try: thread.join() except Exception: thread.stop() raise
[docs] class RemoteCluster(Thread): """ Run server with remote clients via external launcher (e.g., `mpirun`). Args: source (Iterable[str], optional): Any iterable of command-line tasks. A new `source` results in a :class:`~hypershell.submit.SubmitThread` populating either the database or the queue directly depending on `in_memory`. num_tasks (int, optional): Number of parallel task executor threads. See :const:`~hypershell.client.DEFAULT_NUM_TASKS`. template (str, optional): Template command pattern. See :const:`~hypershell.client.DEFAULT_TEMPLATE`. bundlesize (int optional): Size of task bundles returned to server. See :const:`~hypershell.server.DEFAULT_BUNDLESIZE`. bundlewait (int optional): Waiting period in seconds before forcing return of task bundle to server. See :const:`~hypershell.submit.DEFAULT_BUNDLEWAIT`. bind (tuple, optional): Bind address for server with port number (default: See :const:`~hypershell.server.DEFAULT_PORT`. launcher (str, optional): Launcher program used to bring up clients on other hosts. See :const:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.DEFAULT_LAUNCHER`. launcher_args (List[str], optional): Additional command-line arguments for launcher program. remote_exe (str, optional): Program name or path for remote executable. See :const:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.DEFAULT_REMOTE_EXE`. in_memory (bool, optional): If True, revert to basic in-memory queue. no_confirm (bool, optional): Disable client confirmation of tasks received. forever_mode (bool, optional): Regardless of `source`, if enabled schedule forever. Conflicts with `restart_mode` and `in_memory`. Default is `False`. restart_mode (bool, optional): If `source` is empty, this option allows for the server to continue with scheduling from the database until complete. Conflicts with `in_memory`. Default is `False`. max_retries (int, optional): Number of allowed task retries. See :const:`~hypershell.server.DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS`. eager (bool, optional): When enabled tasks are retried immediately ahead scheduling new tasks. See :const:`~hypershell.server.DEFAULT_EAGER_MODE`. redirect_failures (IO, optional): Open file-like object to write failed tasks. delay_start (float, optional): Delay in seconds before connecting to server. See :const:`~hypershell.client.DEFAULT_DELAY`. capture (bool, optional): Isolate task <stdout> and <stderr> in discrete files. Defaults to `False`. client_timeout (int, optional): Timeout in seconds before disconnecting from server. By default, the client waits for server tor request disconnect. task_timeout (int, optional): Task-level walltime limit in seconds. By default, the client waits indefinitely on tasks. task_signalwait (int, optional): Signal escalation waiting period in seconds on task timeout. See :const:`~hypershell.client.DEFAULT_SIGNALWAIT`. Example: >>> from hypershell.cluster import RemoteCluster >>> cluster = ... restart_mode=True, launcher='srun', max_retries=2, eager=True, ... client_timeout=600, task_timeout=300, capture=True ... ) >>> cluster.join() See Also: - :class:`~hypershell.server.ServerThread` - :meth:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.run_cluster` """ server: ServerThread clients: Popen client_argv: List[str] def __init__(self: RemoteCluster, source: Iterable[str] = None, num_tasks: int = 1, template: str = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, bundlesize: int = DEFAULT_BUNDLESIZE, bundlewait: int = DEFAULT_BUNDLEWAIT, bind: Tuple[str, int] = ('', DEFAULT_PORT), launcher: str = DEFAULT_LAUNCHER, launcher_args: List[str] = None, remote_exe: str = DEFAULT_REMOTE_EXE, in_memory: bool = False, no_confirm: bool = False, forever_mode: bool = False, restart_mode: bool = False, max_retries: int = DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, eager: bool = False, redirect_failures: IO = None, delay_start: float = DEFAULT_DELAY, capture: bool = False, client_timeout: int = None, task_timeout: int = None, task_signalwait: int = DEFAULT_SIGNALWAIT) -> None: """Initialize server and client threads with external launcher.""" auth = secrets.token_hex(64) self.server = ServerThread(source=source, bundlesize=bundlesize, bundlewait=bundlewait, in_memory=in_memory, no_confirm=no_confirm, address=bind, auth=auth, max_retries=max_retries, eager=eager, forever_mode=forever_mode, restart_mode=restart_mode, redirect_failures=redirect_failures) launcher = shlex.split(launcher) if launcher_args is None: launcher_args = [] else: launcher_args = [arg for arg_group in launcher_args for arg in shlex.split(arg_group)] client_args = [] if capture is True: client_args.append('--capture') if no_confirm is True: client_args.append('--no-confirm') if client_timeout is not None: client_args.extend(['-T', str(client_timeout)]) if task_timeout is not None: client_args.extend(['-W', str(task_timeout)]) self.client_argv = [ *launcher, *launcher_args, remote_exe, 'client', '-H', HOSTNAME, '-p', str(bind[1]), '-N', str(num_tasks), '-b', str(bundlesize), '-w', str(bundlewait), '-t', template, '-k', auth, '-d', str(delay_start), '-S', str(task_signalwait), *client_args ] super().__init__(name='hypershell-cluster') def run_with_exceptions(self: RemoteCluster) -> None: """Start child threads, wait.""" self.server.start() while not self.server.queue.ready: time.sleep(0.1) log.debug(f'Launching clients: {self.client_argv}') self.clients = Popen(self.client_argv, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env={**os.environ, **load_task_env()}) self.clients.wait() self.server.join()
[docs] def stop(self: RemoteCluster, wait: bool = False, timeout: int = None) -> None: """Stop child threads before main thread.""" self.server.stop(wait=wait, timeout=timeout) self.clients.terminate() super().stop(wait=wait, timeout=timeout)
DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_POLICY: Final[str] = default.autoscale.policy """Default autoscaling policy.""" DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_FACTOR: Final[float] = default.autoscale.factor """Default scaling factor.""" DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_PERIOD: Final[int] = default.autoscale.period """Default period in seconds between autoscaling events.""" DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_INIT_SIZE: Final[int] = default.autoscale.size.init """Default initial size of cluster (number of clients).""" DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_MIN_SIZE: Final[int] = default.autoscale.size.min """Default minimum size of cluster (number of clients).""" DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_MAX_SIZE: Final[int] = default.autoscale.size.max """Default maximum size of cluster (number of clients).""" DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_LAUNCHER: Final[str] = default.autoscale.launcher """Default launcher program for scaling clients.""" class AutoScalerState(State, Enum): """Finite states for AutoScaler.""" START = 0 INIT = 1 WAIT = 2 CHECK = 3 CHECK_FIXED = 4 CHECK_DYNAMIC = 5 SCALE = 6 CLEAN = 7 FINAL = 8 HALT = 9 class AutoScalerPolicy(Enum): """Allowed scaling policies.""" FIXED = 1 DYNAMIC = 2 @classmethod def from_name(cls: Type[AutoScalerPolicy], name: str) -> AutoScalerPolicy: """Return decided enum type from name.""" try: return cls[name.upper()] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown {cls.__name__} \'{name}\'') class AutoScalerPhase(Enum): """Launch phase.""" INIT = 1 STEADY = 2 STOP = 3 class AutoScaler(StateMachine): """Monitor task pressure and scale accordingly.""" policy: AutoScalerPolicy factor: float period: int init_size: int min_size: int max_size: int launcher: List[str] clients: List[Popen] last_check: datetime wait_check: timedelta phase: AutoScalerPhase = AutoScalerPhase.INIT state: AutoScalerState = AutoScalerState.START states: Type[State] = AutoScalerState def __init__(self: AutoScaler, launcher: List[str], policy: str = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_POLICY, factor: float = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_FACTOR, period: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_PERIOD, init_size: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_INIT_SIZE, min_size: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_MIN_SIZE, max_size: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_MAX_SIZE, ) -> None: """Initialize with scaling parameters.""" self.policy = AutoScalerPolicy.from_name(policy) self.factor = factor self.period = period self.init_size = init_size self.min_size = min_size self.max_size = max_size self.launcher = launcher self.last_check = self.wait_check = timedelta(seconds=period) self.clients = [] @cached_property def actions(self: AutoScaler) -> Dict[AutoScalerState, Callable[[], AutoScalerState]]: return { AutoScalerState.START: self.start, AutoScalerState.INIT: self.init, AutoScalerState.WAIT: self.wait, AutoScalerState.CHECK: self.check, AutoScalerState.CHECK_FIXED: self.check_fixed, AutoScalerState.CHECK_DYNAMIC: self.check_dynamic, AutoScalerState.SCALE: self.scale, AutoScalerState.CLEAN: self.clean, AutoScalerState.FINAL: self.finalize, } def start(self: AutoScaler) -> AutoScalerState: """Jump to INIT state."""'Autoscale start (policy: {}, init-size: {self.init_size})') log.debug(f'Autoscale launcher: {self.launcher}') return AutoScalerState.INIT def init(self: AutoScaler) -> AutoScalerState: """Launch initial clients.""" if len(self.clients) < self.init_size: return AutoScalerState.SCALE else: self.phase = AutoScalerPhase.STEADY return AutoScalerState.WAIT def wait(self: AutoScaler) -> AutoScalerState: """Wait for specified period of time.""" if self.phase is AutoScalerPhase.STEADY: waited = - self.last_check if waited > self.wait_check: return AutoScalerState.CHECK else: log.trace(f'Autoscale wait ({timedelta(seconds=round(waited.total_seconds()))})') time.sleep(1) return AutoScalerState.WAIT else: return AutoScalerState.FINAL def check(self: AutoScaler) -> AutoScalerState: """Check if we need to scale up.""" self.clean() self.last_check = if self.policy is AutoScalerPolicy.FIXED: return AutoScalerState.CHECK_FIXED else: return AutoScalerState.CHECK_DYNAMIC def check_fixed(self: AutoScaler) -> AutoScalerState: """Scaling procedure for a fixed policy cluster.""" launched_size = len(self.clients) registered_size = Client.count_connected() task_count = Task.count_remaining() log.debug(f'Autoscale check (clients: {registered_size}/{launched_size}, tasks: {task_count})') if launched_size < self.min_size: log.debug(f'Autoscale min-size reached ({launched_size} < {self.min_size})') return AutoScalerState.SCALE if launched_size == 0 and task_count == 0: return AutoScalerState.WAIT if launched_size == 0 and task_count > 0: log.debug(f'Autoscale adding client ({task_count} tasks remaining)') return AutoScalerState.SCALE else: return AutoScalerState.WAIT def check_dynamic(self: AutoScaler) -> AutoScalerState: """Scaling procedure for a dynamic policy cluster.""" launched_size = len(self.clients) registered_size = Client.count_connected() task_count = Task.count_remaining() pressure = Task.task_pressure(self.factor) pressure_val = 'unknown' if pressure is None else f'{pressure:.2f}' log.debug(f'Autoscale check (pressure: {pressure_val}, ' f'clients: {registered_size}/{launched_size}, tasks: {task_count})') if launched_size < self.min_size: log.debug(f'Autoscale min-size reached ({launched_size} < {self.min_size})') return AutoScalerState.SCALE if pressure is not None: if pressure > 1: log.debug(f'Autoscale pressure high ({pressure:.2f})') if launched_size >= self.max_size: log.debug(f'Autoscale max-size reached ({launched_size} >= {self.max_size})') return AutoScalerState.WAIT else: return AutoScalerState.SCALE else: log.debug(f'Autoscale pressure low ({pressure:.2f})') return AutoScalerState.WAIT else: if launched_size == 0 and task_count == 0: log.debug(f'Autoscale pause (no clients and no tasks)') return AutoScalerState.WAIT if launched_size == 0 and task_count > 0: log.debug(f'Autoscale adding client ({task_count} tasks remaining)') return AutoScalerState.SCALE else: log.debug('Autoscale pause (waiting on clients to complete initial tasks)') return AutoScalerState.WAIT def scale(self: AutoScaler) -> AutoScalerState: """Launch new client.""" proc = Popen(self.launcher, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, bufsize=0, universal_newlines=True, env={**os.environ, **load_task_env()}) log.trace(f'Autoscale adding client ({})') self.clients.append(proc) if self.phase is AutoScalerPhase.INIT: return AutoScalerState.INIT else: return AutoScalerState.WAIT def clean(self: AutoScaler) -> None: """Remove clients that have exited.""" marked = [] for i, client in enumerate(self.clients): log.trace(f'Autoscale clean ({i+1}: {})') status = client.poll() if status is not None: marked.append(i) if status != 0: log.warning(f'Autoscale client ({i+1}) exited with status {status}') else: log.debug(f'Autoscale client disconnected ({})') self.clients = [client for i, client in enumerate(self.clients) if i not in marked] @staticmethod def finalize() -> AutoScalerState: """Finalize.""" log.debug(f'Done (autoscaler)') return AutoScalerState.HALT class AutoScalerThread(Thread): """Run AutoScaler within dedicated thread.""" def __init__(self: AutoScalerThread, launcher: List[str], policy: str = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_POLICY, factor: float = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_FACTOR, period: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_PERIOD, init_size: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_INIT_SIZE, min_size: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_MIN_SIZE, max_size: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_MAX_SIZE, ) -> None: """Initialize task executor.""" super().__init__(name=f'hypershell-autoscaler') self.machine = AutoScaler(launcher, policy=policy, factor=factor, period=period, init_size=init_size, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size) def run_with_exceptions(self: AutoScalerThread) -> None: """Run machine.""" def stop(self: AutoScalerThread, wait: bool = False, timeout: int = None) -> None: """Stop machine.""" log.warning(f'Stopping (autoscaler)') self.machine.halt() super().stop(wait=wait, timeout=timeout)
[docs] class AutoScalingCluster(Thread): """ Run cluster with autoscaling remote clients via external launcher. Args: source (Iterable[str], optional): Any iterable of command-line tasks. A new `source` results in a :class:`~hypershell.submit.SubmitThread` populating either the database or the queue directly depending on `in_memory`. num_tasks (int, optional): Number of parallel task executor threads. See :const:`~hypershell.client.DEFAULT_NUM_TASKS`. template (str, optional): Template command pattern. See :const:`~hypershell.client.DEFAULT_TEMPLATE`. bundlesize (int optional): Size of task bundles returned to server. See :const:`~hypershell.server.DEFAULT_BUNDLESIZE`. bundlewait (int optional): Waiting period in seconds before forcing return of task bundle to server. See :const:`~hypershell.submit.DEFAULT_BUNDLEWAIT`. bind (tuple, optional): Bind address for server with port number (default: See :const:`~hypershell.server.DEFAULT_PORT`. launcher (str, optional): Launcher program used to bring up clients on other hosts. See :const:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_LAUNCHER`. launcher_args (List[str], optional): Additional command-line arguments for launcher program. remote_exe (str, optional): Program name or path for remote executable. See :const:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.DEFAULT_REMOTE_EXE`. in_memory (bool, optional): If True, revert to basic in-memory queue. no_confirm (bool, optional): Disable client confirmation of tasks received. forever_mode (bool, optional): Regardless of `source`, if enabled schedule forever. Conflicts with `restart_mode` and `in_memory`. Default is `False`. restart_mode (bool, optional): If `source` is empty, this option allows for the server to continue with scheduling from the database until complete. Conflicts with `in_memory`. Default is `False`. max_retries (int, optional): Number of allowed task retries. See :const:`~hypershell.server.DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS`. eager (bool, optional): When enabled tasks are retried immediately ahead scheduling new tasks. See :const:`~hypershell.server.DEFAULT_EAGER_MODE`. redirect_failures (IO, optional): Open file-like object to write failed tasks. delay_start (float, optional): Delay in seconds before connecting to server. See :const:`~hypershell.client.DEFAULT_DELAY`. capture (bool, optional): Isolate task <stdout> and <stderr> in discrete files. Defaults to `False`. client_timeout (int, optional): Timeout in seconds before disconnecting from server. By default, the client waits for server tor request disconnect. task_timeout (int, optional): Task-level walltime limit in seconds. By default, the client waits indefinitely on tasks. task_signalwait (int, optional): Signal escalation waiting period in seconds on task timeout. See :const:`~hypershell.client.DEFAULT_SIGNALWAIT`. policy (str, optional): Autoscaling policy (either 'fixed' or 'dynamic'). See :const:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_POLICY` period (int, optional): Period in seconds between autoscaling events. See :const:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_PERIOD` factor (float, optional): Autoscaling factor. See :const:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_FACTOR` init_size (int, optional): Initial size of cluster (number of clients). See :const:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_INIT_SIZE` min_size (int, optional): Minimum size of cluster (number of clients). See :const:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_MIN_SIZE` max_size (int, optional): Maximum size of cluster (number of clients). See :const:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_MAX_SIZE` Example: >>> from hypershell.cluster import AutoScalingCluster >>> cluster = ... restart_mode=True, max_retries=2, eager=True, ... client_timeout=600, task_timeout=300, capture=True, ... launcher='srun -Q -A standby -t 01:00:00 --exclusive --signal=USR1@600' ... ) >>> cluster.join() See Also: - :class:`~hypershell.server.ServerThread` - :meth:`~hypershell.cluster.remote.run_cluster` """ server: ServerThread clients: Dict[str, Popen] launch_argv: str def __init__(self: AutoScalingCluster, source: Iterable[str] = None, num_tasks: int = 1, template: str = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, bundlesize: int = DEFAULT_BUNDLESIZE, bundlewait: int = DEFAULT_BUNDLEWAIT, bind: Tuple[str, int] = ('', DEFAULT_PORT), launcher: str = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_LAUNCHER, launcher_args: List[str] = None, remote_exe: str = DEFAULT_REMOTE_EXE, in_memory: bool = False, # noqa: ignored (passed by ClusterApp) no_confirm: bool = False, # noqa: ignored (passed by ClusterApp) forever_mode: bool = False, # noqa: ignored (passed by ClusterApp) restart_mode: bool = False, # noqa: ignored (passed by ClusterApp) max_retries: int = DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, eager: bool = False, redirect_failures: IO = None, delay_start: float = DEFAULT_DELAY, capture: bool = False, client_timeout: int = None, task_timeout: int = None, task_signalwait: int = DEFAULT_SIGNALWAIT, policy: str = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_POLICY, period: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_PERIOD, factor: float = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_FACTOR, init_size: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_INIT_SIZE, min_size: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_MIN_SIZE, max_size: int = DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_MAX_SIZE, ) -> None: """Initialize server and autoscaler.""" auth = secrets.token_hex(64) self.server = ServerThread(source=source, auth=auth, bundlesize=bundlesize, bundlewait=bundlewait, max_retries=max_retries, eager=eager, address=bind, forever_mode=True, redirect_failures=redirect_failures) launcher = shlex.split(launcher) if launcher_args is None: launcher_args = [] else: launcher_args = [arg for arg_group in launcher_args for arg in shlex.split(arg_group)] client_args = [] if capture: client_args.append('--capture') if client_timeout is not None: client_args.extend(['-T', str(client_timeout)]) if task_timeout is not None: client_args.extend(['-W', str(task_timeout)]) launcher.extend([ *launcher_args, remote_exe, 'client', '-H', HOSTNAME, '-p', str(bind[1]), '-N', str(num_tasks), '-b', str(bundlesize), '-w', str(bundlewait), '-t', template, '-k', auth, '-d', str(delay_start), '-S', str(task_signalwait), *client_args ]) self.autoscaler = AutoScalerThread(launcher, policy=policy, factor=factor, period=period, init_size=init_size, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size) super().__init__(name='hypershell-cluster') def run_with_exceptions(self: AutoScalingCluster) -> None: """Start child threads, wait.""" self.server.start() while not self.server.queue.ready: time.sleep(0.1) self.autoscaler.start() self.autoscaler.join() self.server.join()
[docs] def stop(self: AutoScalingCluster, wait: bool = False, timeout: int = None) -> None: """Stop child threads before main thread.""" self.server.stop(wait=wait, timeout=timeout) self.autoscaler.stop(wait=wait, timeout=timeout) super().stop(wait=wait, timeout=timeout)